Our name identifies our focus
Our Story
In 2001, several leaders with extensive experience in global mission came together with a shared heart to reach every nation in the Arab world, planting churches. These leaders had their roots in different organisations including the DAWN International Network which had a global church planting vision, Interprayer with an emphasis on strategic prayer for the nations and HMK Switzerland which was focussed on the persecuted church. Out of this gathering, 3P ministries was birthed. Why 3P? Because of the joint emphases of Church Planting and Prayer among the Persecuted.
Although the initial focus was the 21 nations of the Arab world, in 2006 this vision expanded to include the Turkic world and in 2009 the Persian world became the third regional focus as new team members joined and widened the vision of 3P. While the focus of 3P is the Muslim world in these three regions, in 2010 the Global Church Planting Network (GCPN) was initiated by 3P with a vision to accelerate church planting around the whole world.
Today we continue to outwork this vision, with an expanding team and a heart to increase the countries we are actively engaged in, coaching and equipping indigenous leaders to make disciples and plant churches, starting movements that can transform people groups and nations through God’s love shown to us in Jesus.
Our Team
We are an international team of bi-vocational men and women with vast experience living in and serving many nations.
As a Christian organisation, we value partnership and collaboration. Our team works closely with local partners and our trustees to work out the 3P mission/strategy and achieve our goals.
Areas Where We Serve
3P Ministries currently works in 15 nations where we are developing and training leaders to plant and grow churches in towns and villages where there are none. These nations span 3 distinct regions – The Arab World, Persian World and Turkic World.